This tells the installer how to install the driver. The INF has the instructions to what files to copy and where. It will also setup settings to install with. The INF also has a list of products that it will install for. NVidia provides UDA (Unified Driver Architecture) where the driver should work for all their released GPUs.
What is nVidia Mac Driver or Web Driver?Nvidia Mac driver is an additional macOS driver provided by Nvidia itself instead of Apple. Apple pack macOS with its own GPU Kexts, but when Nvidia web driver is installed, Apple’s native GPU Kexts becomes inactive. Nvidia web-driver is required to make Maxwell, and latest Graphics cards work in macOSHere are some nVidia GeForce Graphics cards which needs Webdriver to function properly in macOS (GTX 750, GTX 780, GTX 970, GeForce GTX 980, GTX 1070, GTX 1080 GTX TITAN, & etc)You can from this page or Install with. How to enable Nvidia Web DriverHow to activate Nvidia web-driver with or Clover Bootloader. Mount EFI Partition / If you have installed legacy Clover look into /EFI folder for config.plist.
Open /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/config.plist with text edit, Xcode, or Plist Editor Pro. Edit Config.plist to resemble the changes below this works for Sierra 10.12.3 or above versions. SystemParametersInjectKextsYESInjectSystemIDNvidiaWebHowever, for older system nvdadrv=1 is required still web driver installer inject nvdadrv=1 to NVRAM BootArguments-v nvdadrv=1DebugDefaultVolumeMacSecureTimeout5XMPDetectionYes. Chameleon Bootloader. Open /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist with text edit, Xcode, or Plist Editor Pro. All business letter registration key 2016.
Edit Config.plist to resemble the changes below.Kernel Flags-v nvdadrv=1This is enough to get nVidia web-driver working in macOS.TroubleshootingMonitor goes to sleep at the end of the boot sequence when using iMac15,1 or iMac17,1 or MacPro 6,1 system definitionFix: modify the AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext as pointed out by PikeRAlpha. We have two options, using Clover’s built-in kext patching (preferred) or manually editing the kext. Using Clover to patch the kext on the fly is preferred because it does not get overwritten after each OS X update. If you do it manually, you will have to make the edits after each update.Method 1: The easy methodInstall these two kext and into your Library/Extensions folder.NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext has been replaced by WhateverGreen.kext, if you have NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext in your system remove it and install WhateverGreen.kext.Method 2:Use Shilohh’sMethod 3. NOTE: This method does not work with macOS Sierra 10.12, please use method 1 or 2 above.
Open your Clover config.plist using text edit and scroll till you see KernelAndKextPatches. In that section you have to add the following:KextsToPatchComment(c)Pike R. AlphaFindYm9hcmQtaWQ=NameAppleGraphicsDevicePolicyReplaceYm9hcmQtaXg=. Save your config, and now your kext will be patched when you boot by changing board-id to board-ix.
Method 4:. Open Terminal. Enter this command (it is one line)sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext/Contents/Info.plist. Arrow down to where you see ConfigMap. For the iMac15,1 locate the board-id “Mac-42FD25EABCABB274” and change string below it from “Config2” to “none”. For the MacPro6,1 you will do the same thing but for the board-id “Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6”.
For the iMac17,1 you will have to see which board-id is declared in your config.plist SMBIOS: “Mac-B809C3757DA9BB8D” or “Mac-65CE9A” or “Mac-DB15BD556843C820” and change the appropriate entry to “none”. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+O, then enter. Exit by pressing Ctrl+X. Rebuild the kernel cache using the following two commands in Terminal.
From the P170HMx ^ (560m pleb)Upgrade to P170EM with 680MUpgrade WifiUpgrade SSDUpgrade Prema Bios modsUpgrade DDR3Upgraded Intel XMUpgraded 32gb DDR3Upgraded 980M/tl:drNOW the Final Frontier - the 1060M (aka 1060N)out with the 980mthe under belly (provided by eurocom thanks)put pads under ram and VRM below cardput 1060M in placeTHE MODScut this plastic around the VRM (sorry its so blurry)use something extremely sharp.