Another thing which bothers me for a while now are mixed/invalid line endings, this just looks horrible in np.Some NFO files (possibly SFV files as well) have terrible line endings e.g. Rrn which is anything but standard.Maybe it would be a good idea to just replace these bad line endings with a default one e.g. Re.sub(b'rrn', b'n', nfodata).Also some just use n (UNIX) while others use rn (WINDOWS).Enforcing a default line ending ( n or rn) for NFO and SFV files in general could be a good idea e.g. When searching for identical files.At least there shouldn't be any mixed line endings in the NFO and SFV files.Code used to check line endings.
Hi, You remember me. This isn't the first time I've left a message. Many Chinese players have used your patch. They are very grateful to you.I would like to have a Chinese version of the patch. Can you help us?I can provide you with all the translations:- Window = 窗口设置- Full Screen = 全屏模式- Enable Vsync = 屏幕同步- FPS Counter = 显示FPS- Mouse Capture = 鼠标跟踪- Exit = 退出游戏- image = 图像设置- Enable Filtering = 图像过滤- Keep Aspect Ratio = 保持长宽比- Help = 帮助- About = 关于Thank you.
War For The Planet Of The Apes English 2012 Movie Torrent Download. Fight Back Cheat Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos, original American Conquest not required to American Conquest: Fight Back v1.50 No CD Patch/.46. Said patch updates the game to version v.1.46 and also contains all the fixes that were included in patch v.1.45u. In addition, the game introduces a number of converted maps and changes in the structure of the mission. Full list of changes is in the attached text file.