To support Critical Chain Project Management, specialized CCPM software tools are needed to implement this philosophy. These software tools can work in conjunction with popular project management software such as Microsoft Project®. The Critical Chain approach is perhaps the most important new development in project scheduling in the last 30. Login or register to post comments; 2 replies Mon, 2015-06-08 20:03. If your software includes risk management capabilities and calculates required contingency reserves then use Success Driven Project Management. But if you manage your projects without the software then CCPM is fine. You will create some initial schedule. Realization by Realization Technologies Inc. Is a multi-project management software with a separate core components that helps to manage uncertainties in projects.


Aurora-CCPM is the world's most powerful enterprise-level multi-project critical chain project management software available. In addition, Aurora-CCPM is easy to use and is designed to interface with current project management and enterprise applications.

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Aurora-CCPM is designed to work seamlessly in your environment it can be run from the cloud, hosted on an internal cloud, and run as a standalone application. Aurora-CCPM is a, Stottler Henke’s intelligent planning and scheduling system, and the added power and flexibility of Multi-Project Critical Chain Project Management. PM for Neogrid South America, North America and Europe.Neogrid a Global SupplyChain ERP Interrogator with over 12 billion daily replenishment transaction applies a Hybrid solution for Agile and CCPM Professional Service and Software Development projects.

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Mayara, describes establishing the PMO for Neogrid. Were Agile three week sprints - managed by Exepron establishes priorities and oversight for over 600 projects on the Exepron dashboards.JIRA is the development tool. Exepron providing the missing oversight and true project progress information required for prioritization and course correction. Due Date are now reliably predictable. Cutting scope to meet Due Dates is no longer practiced. Early Waring and buffer status provides good indicators of performance.

Last year ABS Jets implemented ‘The Critical Chain Project Management’ (CCPM) into its working environment, which it reports has shown significant results. The goal of CCPM project is to perform a scheduled inspection in a shorter time, to manage the workload involved, and to reduce the costs to the aircraft owners or operators – all while increasing profit margins for the charter providers. “By implementing the CCPM,” Albouy reflects, “we have been able to significantly shorten aircraft downtime during maintenance, which is appreciated by both charter operators and aircraft owners.

Day 1: Overview of Exepron's new UI & AI capabilities, Sept 22, 2019. The power of AI is now included in Exepron's Business Intelligence Decision Support System (BIDSS)Exepron's advanced Scheduling capability of up to 40,000 tasks.Global / Enterprise Multi-Account predictive Resource Planning and Management capability. Exepron's new, modernized User Interface (UI) plus Exepron Mobile version. REST API connective capability to most common 3rd party applications including SLACK, SAP, SAGE, JIRA, MS Project, MS Excel etc.Day 2: Leveraging our Community, Sept 23 - 24, 2019. Keynotes from Industry Leaders. Exepron Case Studies: Experienced Implementers presenting case studies from various organizations and Industry sectors. Learn about various implementation strategies and how to overcome implementation obstacles.

Building new commercial aircraft is a must to keep people moving. But Brazilian aerospace giant Embraer had an even bolder goal: design, develop and deliver a second-generation jet with a massive supply chain that would give the company a competitive advantage. On top of that, it vowed to complete the project faster than any other aerospace firm.

To complete the first model from its E2 series, the organization established a formal program management process and built a skilled team of project managers, 80 percent of whom had PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification. During planning, teams reviewed lessons learned from previous private and military aircraft projects, replicating tested scheduling strategies, supply chain management and early-warning mechanisms. Exepron CCPM software provider Annual Workshop, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA. September 22 - 24, 2019. A Workshop for Forward-Thinking Project Leadership. Exepron, the Predictive, AI driven Software Solution.

The first day offers an overview of Exepron's new, modernized User Interface (UI) plus the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Analytics in BIDSS. What better way to get up to speed on the new features and capabilities of our new User Interface (UI), AI capabilities, Advanced Scheduling (up to 40,000 tasks), Enterprise Multi-Account predictive Resource Planning & Management capability, Exepron Mobile, REST API connectivity, to name a few.

Day two and three will highlight the Exepron community and feature Keynote Speakers as well as Exepron case studies. Following up with round table Q&A discussions, you will have the opportunity to network with experienced Exepron implementers and industry experts. TOCPA invited Sanjeev Gupta,. to share his successes on why 'Focus & Finish' is to projects what 'Single Piece Flow' is to manufacturing. In this recorded webinar video, he demonstrated why without such would be detrimental and provided insights into the causes of so many failed attempts for resource optimization effort. He demonstrates why “Focus and Finish” is the essence of global optimization in projects and white collar work, how CCPM and Agile both promote “Focus and Finish”, and how to enhance the CCPM solution to drive more of “Focus and Finish”.

In May 2012, Realization Technologies, Inc. In San Jose, CA received a $35.2 million firm-fixed-price contract to maintain, deploy, and sustain their Concerto software at existing sites. Corcerto is designed for managing multiple projects using, which is derived from his (TOC). One of the likely outcomes for Concerto sites?, which isn’t productive. The other big change is the removal of added “safety time” per task, to be replaced with a project-level buffer.

Beyond the individual project level, these 2 principles are combined by committing key resources to just one project at any given time, which has their entire focus for that specified block of time. Project scheduling is then managed around the availability of those resources. If you think that aspect sounds similar to the “bottleneck” principle at the core of TOC, you’d be right.Work location will be determined with each task order, with an estimated completion date of April 30/15. One bid was solicited, with one bid received. Army Contracting Command, Alexandria, Va., is the contracting activity (W91WAW-12-D-0007).